The tooth and its small reliquary were removed from display at the Art Institute in June, sent on loan to the Getty Center in Los Angeles for an exhibition and recently returned to public viewing ...
In a conference room near her cluttered office, Surak presented a small brass reliquary, a container for holy relics. It’s a free-standing brass cross with a round glass window in its center ...
To the people of the Middle Ages, the material contained inside a reliquary far outweighed the reliquary itself in importance, while in modern times we more often appreciate reliquaries as beautiful ...
The Glazed Reliquary can be obtained in Chapter 2 ... with enemies and head to the left after crossing it. Go up the small staircase, then watch out for a staircase to your right that leads ...
Dating to the 9th century it is the only Anglo-Saxon reliquary of this type to found in this country. It was made at a time when the Viking invasions destroyed many of Europe's centres of arts and ...