The use of drugs can be quite liberal in some movies and done to excess, but it often makes audiences wonder what actors are ...
Sly Stone's daughter, Phunne Stone, recalled what it was like growing up with the funk artist in a new documentary titled "Sly Lives! (aka the Burden of Black Genius)." ...
Fergus Thompson, 23, from Durham, was reduced to a seven stone skeletal shadow of his former self after spending more than £2 ...
Sly Stone’s daughter Phunne admitted she snorted lines of chalk as a child in an attempt to mimic her famous father. Phunne opened up about her relationship with the music legend in the new ...
Sly Stone's daughter Phunne recalls imitating her dad using chalk instead of cocaine as a child in the new documentary Sly Lives! (aka the Burden of Black Genius), now streaming on Hulu.
(aka the Burden of Black Genius)." In it, Phunne described how, as a child, she snorted sidewalk chalk to mimic her dad. She even used one of the razor blades he collected to cut lines of cocaine.