The participation of Sumar in the war plans underscores the political complicity of middle class pseudo-left parties in ...
The research team at the Atapuerca archaeological sites in Burgos, Spain, has just broken its own record by discovering, for ...
Several EU and investor immigration programs are currently before the European Court of Justice, and the outcome is expected ...
Italy and Spain made clear on Monday they were not ready to back a European Union proposal to pledge up to 40 billion euros ...
Spain’s prime minister has told European allies recently that his country is willing to spend more on defense - and faster - ...
“S PAIN is very low,” Donald Trump said last month, referring to the country’s defence spending. For once, he was correct ...
IBM ismaking significant strides in the quantum computing field with plans to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two ...
The European luxury real estate market has long been a magnet for affluent investors seeking prestige and financial stability ...
This island nation boasts warm weather, hours of sunshine, and an incredible blend of activities making it the ultimate ...
The announced telephone conversation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has finally taken place. It seems to me that he ...
IBM and Basque Government announce plan to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two at the IBM-Euskadi Quantum ...
The prehistoric facial bones were found buried in 50 feet of mud and silt, and are believed to be 1.1 to 1.4 million years ...