Correspondence to Padmaja Sankaridurg, Brien Holden Vision Institute, Sydney 2052, New South Wales, Australia; p.sankaridurg{at}; Dr Xun Xu; drxuxun{at} Purpose To develop ...
The primary symptoms of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), a chronic inflammatory disease, include back pain, fatigue, joint pain, heel pain, sleep problems, and abdominal pain. Symptoms vary from ...
Bilateral hip ROM during level walking after THA was quantified using dual fluoroscopy. The ROM symmetry in flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, and axial rotation was calculated using the symmetry ...
You are using the image-splitting technique to print large images on multiple pages. This technique will enlarge the split parts of the image in order to make it fit on the desired size of paper.
The Print Spooler is software built into the Windows operating system that temporarily stores print jobs in the computer’s memory until the printer is ready to print them. This service spools ...
The Big Bang should have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the early universe. But today, everything we see from the smallest life forms on Earth to the largest stellar objects is made ...