Des Longstaff, 39, was given just 12 months to live after he noticed he had difficulty swallowing his sandwich and later ...
Although most commonly diagnosed in those over 50, younger people are not immune. In fact, one per cent of sufferers are ...
There has been a surge in prescriptions of ADHD medications since the Covid pandemic, with an average rise of 18 per cent ...
Former U.S. Army Green Beret Jordan Goudreau is sounding the alarm about a deeper national security problem at play after the ...
People experiencing dizziness may be experiencing symptoms of a condition that may be more likely suffered if they have ...
Stomach cancer symptoms can often be mistaken for less severe conditions, such as indigestion. One of the most common signs ...
"As I was eating, it got stuck in my oesophagus. I drank a pint of water, but it wouldn’t budge. It felt like I was choking." ...