Despite the media narrative, more than half of tenants (54%) feel landlords do provide good quality housing, according to a new report.
A HUGE survey has launched in Redditch to ask council tenants about their experience of housing services over the past year, and make improvements.
Tenants are now receiving information, including text messages, on how to participate in the survey from the council.
Tragedies in social housing, such as the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 and the death of toddler Awaab Ishak due to damp living ...
For Capital Improvement Passthroughs, the tenant may file a Hardship Application at any time after they have received a capital improvement rent increase notice or a Rent Board decision granting the ...
They point toward surveys that show a majority of landlords are considering initiating eviction proceedings and are using more stringent forms of tenant screening. To counteract this, some ...
Victoria city council approved the first steps of a plan that would see the three nearly identical 1970-era apartments on ...
Bellingham City Council is asking tenants, mobile home residents, landlords, property managers and other community members to weigh in on proposed city ordinances promoting fair and transparent rental ...