On the evening of January 17th, the Shanxi culture and tourism international promotion event, titled "Happy Chinese Spring ...
How can you make new friends in your 20s? It can be difficult but here are some ideas ...
艾玛喜欢画画。一个星期六,妈妈带她去了美术馆。当他们走进美术馆时,艾玛看到了一幅美丽的画。画上有着鲜艳的色彩,画着一个幸福的家庭。艾玛站在画前,想象自己就在画中,感觉自己就是那个幸福家庭的一员。妈妈告诉她,画家用特殊的画笔和颜料创作了这幅画。艾玛对画 ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
每个人都梦想着可以一边工作一边走遍世界,深入了解和感知每个地方的历史和文化,并与当地的人民和社区产生连接的舒适与冒险完美融合的生活方式和人生旅程,而外籍教师的职业正是完美适配。来跟随外教Jose Valcarcel体验他的多样性人生的丰富与热爱。
As a hub and gateway of opening-up, Shanghai has also seen its services sector provide tailored services for international tourists. With increasing numbers of travelers arriving from the ROK, many ...
China firmly opposes US restrictions on artificial intelligence exports and will take resolute actions to safeguard the ...
“亲爱的李华,很抱歉,过了这么多年,才给你回信。”“李华”,是“80后”“90后”记忆深处的名字——中学时代英文写作时,题干常常要求考生以“李华”为笔名给外国笔友写信。如今,这代人长大了,“李华”也终于收到了回信——“地球村村民”在中文社交网站小红书胜利会师后,湖南女孩李瑶华向外国网友发出“给李华回信” ...
这是一座位于CHINA的小城 却凭借CHINA来影响世界 醴陵是釉下五彩的发源地 醴陵的CHINA(陶瓷)举世闻名 畅销全球150多个国家和地区 全球每4个陶瓷杯子 便有1个产自醴陵 在醴陵 你可以体验捡瓷的快乐 制瓷画瓷的过程 了解釉下五彩的历史 ...
Riding the Olympic wave, China’s ice and snow sector is expected to exceed the mark of RMB 1 trillion this year, up from RMB ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from his girlfriend, started taking drugs and had “failed to keep on top of his ...