In this lesson, Anna meets a new friend from the country. He feels lost in the city. Anna helps him to make it a friendlier place. Anna认识了一个乡村来的朋友,他在大城市感觉有 ...
在故乡老宅的工作室是魏艺娟静谧潜修、让灵感重启的天地,她也在此构思创作了BYREDO 2025新年限定系列的视觉意象。以挥洒独具一格的艺术语言,诠释蛇年新春的丰富意蕴,魏艺娟从逶迤交错、娇妍盛放的花植中撷取灵感,勾绘出灵动肖蛇与自然丰韵相织的插画纹样 ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...