当谷歌将开源简化为源代码的 “单向透明” 时,安卓生态正陷入开源领域一个经典的悖论:开发者虽能看到每一行代码的踪迹,却无法掌控系统演进的方向。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Wall Street investment banks stepped up their bullish calls on Chinese equities as Morgan Stanley upgraded its target for a second time in as many months and Goldman Sachs said feedback from clients ...
唐纳德·特朗普总统的加密货币投资组合持续扩容。公开数据显示,他的加密货币项目World Liberty Financial推出了一种稳定币,即与美元等法定货币挂钩的代币。这种名为USD1的加密货币已在以太坊和币安区块链(区块链是追踪数字资产流动的去中心化数据库)上线。