An Indian scholar has published a new English translation of the Holy Quran with the aim of presenting the divine message of ...
Hamariweb has brought an amazing online dictionary. We honestly hope that our automatic translator will help and simplify the Arabic-Urdu and Arabic-English translation of texts. Urdu is a member of ...
In December 2014, FM Sautul Quran Channel is being launched from Islamabad on frequency 93.5 MHz. The Channel is broadcasting recitation from the Holy Quran and its Urdu translation for 18 hours daily ...
Serving the nation since 1947 by providing an accurate, objective, uninterrupted flow of news to the people, the national ...
Javeria Saud has responded to a caller who mocked former Pakistan cricket captain Sarfraz Ahmed's English skills.During a Ramzan show hosted by Javeria Saud, Sarfraz Ahmed shared his journey, ...
The lawyer and activist on Heart Lamp, her collection of stories, translated from the Kannada original by Deepa Bhasthi, that ...
Muslims do not claim to know the exact day on which Muhammad first began receiving revelations from Allah through the angel Jibrail, but many Sunni Muslims observe Nuzul Al-Quran on the 27th of ...
It is an inseparable part of the cultural tradition of the region, being employed in daily conversation, folk melodies, and poetry. Although Urdu and Punjabi are also spoken in Multan, Seraiki is ...
of Holy Quran) and death sentence under Section 295-C (use of derogatory remarks, etc, in respect of the Holy Prophet) of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC). Besides sentencing to death, Additional ...