Once eaten only by royalty, humphead wrasse are today highly sought after in the luxury food industry of east Asia. And the global-warming-induced die-off of coral reefs is leaving this unique species ...
Once eaten only by royalty, humphead wrasse are today highly sought after in the luxury food industry of east Asia. And the global-warming-induced die-off of coral reefs is leaving this unique species ...
"When we reach these reefs and find unknown species as spectacular as this fairy wrasse, it feels like our hard work is paying off," Luiz Rocha, another study author and a diver, said in a press ...
The slingjaw wrasse, Epibulus insidiator, is a species of wrasse with an astounding jaw. Its mouth can extend over half the length of the fish's body. The fish can protrude its jaws longer than ...
Octopuses and fish coordinate hunting, forming a partnership that challenges traditional views on animal intelligence and ...
"These species come from different environments," De Bonville said. "The first two live in shallow coastal waters, at a depth of one or two meters, while the goldsinny wrasse inhabits deeper ...
The goldsinny wrasse acclimated after six hours and increased its thermal tolerance by 2.8°C to 31.7°C, but did not achieve a steady state after 10 days. The flounder was the slowest to ...
Scientists have been searching for the species since it disappeared in 1933. Researchers have rediscovered a rare fish species presumed to be extinct after it was not seen for more than eight decades.
An interdisciplinary team involving the biologist Eduardo Sampaio from the University of Konstanz explores the cognitive underpinnings of such cross-species collaborations, opening up a new ...
A photo shows angler Connor Stone holding the colorful fish, a member of the species called puddingwife wrasse. Stone was about 10 miles from Southport when he reeled in the catch in late July.