After the Babylonian captivity, Jews commonly referred to God as Lord, especially since His name, YHWH, could not be uttered. Most modern English translations of the Old Testament render the ...
[Exodus 3:14; NAB] God's name - YHWH (Yahweh) - translates as "I AM WHO AM" or simply "I AM." In John 8:24 & 58, Jesus is referring to Himself with God's name. The scribes understand Him as such ...
Mt Zion – Jerusalem – had an important role to play in God’s overall plan. After the Messiah’s resurrection and ascent to the Father, there would be a long period in which true believers would worship ...
To promote the belief that Metatron is the pivotal mediator between mankind and God is to completely disregard the truth of ...
But what is ‘Torah’? This is an easy one: Torah is the first five books of the Bible, including Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is the law which YHWH (the God who created ...
Since last week’s newsletter offered a favorite argument for the existence of God, it’s only fair to balance the scales by considering a strong argument against religious faith, against the ...
While some of his actions were morally problematic, we look only at his philosophy to understand this logical genius as part of the Jewish intellectual project. ​The son of a rabbi, Kripke did ...
Public health experts were never supposed to make policy but to advise those who do. During the pandemic, elected leaders ...