Groundhog Day is almost here and although we do not have groundhogs in the Treasure State we do have some close relatives like the marmot, ground squirrels and prairie dogs.
The ground hog (in this case, a hoary marmot) may not chuck much wood, but it can scarf down a tenth of its weight in greens each day. Learn more ground hog facts, including history of the ground ...
The group that fasted between 5 pm and 9 am had more of a drop in subcutaneous fat (i.e. fat just under the skin) in the belly area. Why did intermittent fasting lead to greater weight loss ...
A “suspicious yellow man” seen on a roadside in a creepy video late at night is freaking out people, including the police, in Northern Ireland. The man was not only decked out from head-to-toe in ...
Vitamins and minerals can aid in weight loss and reducing belly fat. Critical nutrients highlighted include Vitamin D for lower body weight, Vitamin B12 for energy metabolism, magnesium for fat ...
But achieving that strong, defined core requires more than endless crunches. Functional training offers a smarter, more effective way to target your belly and strengthen your entire body. By focusing ...