Financial crisis and cuts to the welfare system have driven people to UK food banks. About 500,000 are estimated to have ...
中美网友的小红书对账,让咱们很多人第一次听说“food bank/食物银行”这种东西。把即将过期,或计划报废的食物收集起来,免费提供给饥饿的贫困人士。性质类似发给穷人的救济粮。
Hans,刚踏上加拿大这片土地时并不清楚如何去融入这个令人神往的社会。有朋自远方来, ...
每周二和周五,在去上课或上班的间隙——有时是上午,有时是傍晚——我会到街那头的Shillingford咖啡馆,不是为了喝一杯咖啡,是为了“送垃圾”。走进咖啡馆,我和店员Joe或Mickey打了声招呼后便径直往厨房里走,在角落桌子下会有两桶沉甸甸的白色 ...
Time off from digital devices. Find out how a school in England challenges students to stay away from their gadgets ...
The U.S. released latest CPI Data of January. At the same time, even though the U.S. President Trump pushed pressure on the ...
Israel objects to Palestinian sovereignty in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem, territories it seized in the 1967 Middle East war.
自疫情以来,加拿大的室内农业逐步扩大,越来越多企业开始尝试本土生菜种植。例如,GTA连锁超市Rabba Fine Foods近期已经开始与加拿大本土的室内生菜种植企业合作,以取代美国进口生菜。 ...
CASETiFY teamed up with Panda Friends @ Ocean Park for a panda-themed collection to celebrate the new members of the giant panda family.
In the latest U.S. economic data released on February 12, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for January increased by 0.5% month-over-month, with the annual inflation rate reaching 3%, both exceeding ...
Consumers showed strong spending power during the Spring Festival holiday this year, boosting the steady growth of the country's overall consumption market in the first quarter, official data showed.