据了解,iPhone SE系列始于2016年,是苹果智能手机中价格较为亲民的产品线。其最近一次更新是在2022年,外观已经略微过时,是苹果当前唯一一款仍然带有实体Home键的iPhone。 爆料称,新款iPhone SE的外观看起来将更像iPhone 14,另外还会配备个人智能化系统 “Apple ...
今天,彭博社记者,知名爆料人Mark Gurman发布曝料消息,透露了关于iPhone SE 4的最新消息。根据Mark Gurman援引知情人士的消息,iPhone SE ...
关于售价方面,现款iPhone SE的售价为429美元。由于新款机型配备了更快的芯片、Face ID和其他功能,苹果可能会提高iPhone SE 4的售价。不过,预计售价仍将保持在500美元以下,以使iPhone SE ...
iPhone SE 预计将与 PowerBeats Pro 2 耳机同步发布。报道称这款耳机最早将于 2 月 11 日发布,并成为苹果首款内置心率监测功能的耳机。未来,苹果希望在 AirPods 上也引入该功能。
This week’s Apple headlines; iPhone SE specs, Apple’s new hardware plans, iPhone update warning, Apple’s annual report card, ...
The Apple iPhone SE 4 will launch next week, it seems. This information comes from a very reliable source, so... it's likely ...
Apple is developing a new version of the iPhone SE, which is expected to feature some major changes. In addition to a new, larger size, Apple will also do away with Touch ID, and add support for ...
“You can bet that Apple will raise the price a bit,” said Mark Gurman of Bloomberg in his recent Power On Newsletter.
部分苹果零售员工表示,现款 iPhone SE 的库存已连续数周紧张,部分配置甚至无法供应顾客。尽管 iPhone SE 仍可在苹果官网购买,但某些版本 (如 256GB 红色款)已推迟至 3 月发货。此外,iPhone 14 和 14 Plus 的库存也在减少。