Russia is "in favor" of the 30-day ceasefire plan proposed by the United States and Ukraine, but nuances exist, Russian ...
It is not immediately clear the response of Ukraine to the limited and phrased ceasefire plan. Kiev has said it is ready to accept the 30-day truce proposed by Trump. Ahead of the phone talk, Trump ...
MOSCOW, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Russia is "in favor" of the 30-day ceasefire plan proposed by the United States and Ukraine, but nuances exist, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. "We agree ...
4 天on MSN
美国总统特朗普 (Donald Trump)希望莫斯科方面同意与乌克兰停火30天,他寄望在计划于周二 与俄罗斯总统普京 (Vladimir Putin)的通话 上。不过,普京可能会借机要求乌克兰在领土和其他方面作出让步。
Is Putin ready for a ceasefire or playing for time?
“当然有理由表示审慎乐观。你们昨天听到普京总统在回答一位记者提问时发表的一个非常重要的声明,” 路透社援引佩斯科夫的话说。普京还表示,他支持特朗普有关和解的立场,但同时还表示,停火还有一些其它问题需要解决。
3月18日,美国总统特朗普和俄罗斯总统普京进行了一次长时间(预计超过两小时)通话。乌克兰问题是核心议题,但讨论范围涵盖多个领域。这次通话紧随美乌会议之后,会议上泽连斯基总统同意实施为期30天的停火。以下是对白宫声明的逐句分析,并结合了俄方声明的相关信 ...
Discuția telefonică dintre președintele american Donald Trump și liderul rus Vladimir Putin s-a încheiat după aproape trei ...
Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin anunţă joi, într-o conferinţă de presă comună cu omologul său belarus Aleksandr Lukaşenko, că ...
与普京一样,特朗普似乎也设想了一个由大国划分势力范围的世界。这促使紧张的欧洲人争先恐后地采取更多措施来帮助乌克兰,并保护自己。爱沙尼亚总理克里斯汀·米哈尔在美俄两国总统通话前不久在社交媒体上宣布,爱沙尼亚将把国防开支提高到国内生产总值的5%。英国和法 ...
Vladimir Putin anunţă că susţine armistiţiul în Ucraina „cu câteva rezerve”. Declarațiile liderului de la Kremlin ...