Friday mostly cloudy skies, with highs near 45 and a chance of flurries during the night time hours. Saturday mostly cloudy with highs near 34. Sunday mostly sunny skies and highs near 38.
SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (KNOP) - The Scottsbluff Fire Department responded to a garage fire on the city’s northside Thursday. It happened on the 3600 block of Spruce Drive at 1:30 p.m. after a neighbor ...
The Department has identified the man murdered on the city’s east side Tuesday. were called out to the Cypress Lane area east of town in reference to a verbal altercation around 10:45 p.m. and found ...
CHASE COUNTY, Neb. (KNOP) - Investigators with the Nebraska State Patrol arrested two people on active warrants in southwest Nebraska as part of an ongoing narcotics investigation. Investigators ...