With temperatures expected to hover around the freezing mark, this spring storm may bring a mixture of snow and freezing rain. Possible long-durations of freezing rain may result in ice build-up on ...
À compter du 27 mars : Environnement Canada a émis un bulletin météorologique spécial pour le secteur d’Ottawa en fin de semaine. Avec des températures qui devraient se trouver autour du point de cong ...
Le Comité de l’infrastructure et des travaux publics a approuvé aujourd’hui la modification des règles relatives au jardinage sur les banquettes des rues résidentielles afin d’y autoriser la culture d ...
The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee today approved amending the rules for residential boulevard gardening to allow growing food and placing planters in the residential boulevard. The ...
Council today approved filling the vacant Councillor seat in Ward 20 Osgoode through a by-election on Monday, June 16. Council declared the seat vacant following George Darouze’s resignation after his ...
The 2025 Osgoode By-election will take place on Monday, June 16. Thursday, March 27, is the first day eligible individuals may file nomination forms for the Office of City Councillor for Ward 20 ...
Le Conseil a approuvé aujourd’hui la tenue d’une élection partielle le lundi 16 juin pour combler le siège vacant de conseiller du quartier 20 (Osgoode). Le Conseil a déclaré le siège vacant à la ...
Les candidats, ou leurs agents, peuvent soumettre leur formulaire de déclaration de candidature pour la charge de conseiller ou conseillère municipale du quartier 20 (Osgoode) à partir du jeudi 27 ...
registration, programs, drop-in activities, rental parks, arenas and rooms, swimming, skating, fitness, sport ...
The City of Ottawa has two signs by-laws that regulate election signs for municipal, provincial, and federal elections: the Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law (No. 2004-239) and the Signs on ...
Whitmore Avenue, Cline Crescent and Sherman Drive integrated road, sewer and watermain renewal Cycling, Pathways and Sidewalks, Roads, Sewer, Water and Wastewater Construction Planned Conroy Road and ...
The Agile Government Working Group (AGWG) is a new working group that has been launched to reduce red tape and complement the City’s Service Review Program.