The COP 29 Presidency and the incoming COP 30 Presidency are committed to fostering an open, transparent, and inclusive UNFCCC process in preparing for COP 30, which will be held in Belém, Brazil, ...
La Conférence des Parties est l'organe décisionnel suprême de la Convention. Tous les États (Parties) de la Convention sont représentés à la Conférence des Parties, où ils examinent l'application de ...
This document provides a review of the scope of work undertaken by 164 organizations working on slow onset events (SOEs), as contained in the SOEs database developed by the WIM ExCom as at February ...
Each Party included in Annex I to the Convention must submit an annual inventory of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases for all years from the base year (or period) to two years before the ...
This Technical Guide is intended to provide user-friendly operational information and tools to stakeholders interested in incorporating the topic of human mobility related challenges and opportunities ...