Munich Security Conference 2025 is expected to serve as a critical platform for high-level dialogue and cooperation.
Every year, Nina Kirchner spends February to April and June to September at the Tarfala Research Station (TRS). It is run by Stockholm University... Greenland has been in the spotlight since US ...
Notizie dal mondo: Bambini uccisi nell'attacco all'ospedale del Darfur Fissata la data per il ritiro del patto sul clima degli Stati Uniti OMS lancia un appello ...
Island blir ofte ansett som, om ikke et paradis for kvinner, så i det minste et av de beste stedene i verden for kvinner ...
Riportiamo di seguito la Dichiarazione del Segretario Generale Antonio Guterres riguardante la morte del collega di WFP detenuto in Yemen. Statement by the Secretary-General on ...
A contribution to launch a joint project to protect vulnerable communities in the Greater Horn of Africa from the devastating ...
O regresso da guerra em Gaza deve ser evitado a todo o custo, insistiu o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, nesta terça-feira, numa altura em que se receia que o cessar-fogo de três semanas en ...
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres will take part in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit in Paris ...
Il cambiamento climatico interessa i paesi di tutti i continenti. Esso sta sconvolgendo le economie nazionali, con costi alti per persone, comunità e paesi oggi, e che saranno ancora più gravi un ...
UN-Generalsekretär warnt vor gefährlicher Konzentration von KI-Kapazitäten auf Wenige. Guterres fordert mehr Ausgewogenheit und globale Verantwortung.
Holocaust Remembrance – new UNESCO Guidelines To mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, UNESCO has published three new guides to help educators and journalists ...
Denmark is on top of the list of least corrupt countries just like last year, with a score of 90/100. Second is Finland at 88, followed by Singapore, New Zealand, Luxembourg and Norway at 81, followed ...