Members, aerospace professionals and aviation enthusiasts are invited to the Nottingham Branch's lecture, titled "Nottingham Branch: Sustainable Aviation Fuels - What are they and why are they ...
Half a decade after EASA-mandated Advanced Upset Prevention and Recovery Training for new commercial pilots, MARK ‘GREENERS’ GREENFIELD FRAeS, from Ultimate High, looks at what progress has been made ...
Could satellite mega-constellations trigger climate change 2.0? TEREZA PULTAROVA investigates. Air pollution from rocket launches and satellites burning up in Earth’s atmosphere could bring about the ...
Research paper published in the Journal of Aeronautical History by PHILIP JARRETT HonCRAeS, called 'Spinning the Camel'. Sopwith F.1 Camel B2312 was used in both of the series of experiments at RAE ...