2020, Paper: "In this study, we analyze the impacts of minimum wages on firms’ robot adoption using novel panel data related to robots imported by firms in China from 2001 to 2012, a period when most ...
August 18, 2021, Video: "Niall Ferguson is a renowned historian, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and prolific author of more than a dozen best-selling works on economics, culture, and ...
May 4, 2023, Audio: "Turns out we were all less productive in the first quarter. According to the Labor Department, productivity fell 2.7% in the first three months of the year, despite the fact that ...
June 2023, Paper: "We estimate the returns to IRS audits of taxpayers across the income distribution. We find an additional $1 spent auditing taxpayers above the 90th income percentile yields more ...
March 22, 2024, Opinion: "The president hopes the money will kick-start semiconductor production in America, but that might take a lot more investment in the future. President Biden's announcement on ...
April 12, 2023, Working Paper: "Our understanding of the firm’s role in society has evolved greatly over the past 70 years, with more recent years seeing a sharp rise in interest for how firms can ...
October 12, 2021, Paper: "Economic inequality affects not only how individuals judge and behave in their own lives, but also how those individuals’ judge and behave toward others – both people and ...