The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) strongly condemns the escalating violence in eastern Democratic Republic ...
Since the 2021 military coup, the people of Myanmar have continued to endure horrific atrocities and widespread human rights ...
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), along with Public Services International (PSI), welcomes the start of negotiations on a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation as ...
An army of workers around the world, some more visible than others, share a common model: they rely on apps that assign them tasks, algorithms that monitor their every move and clients who rate their ...
Labour Movement Priorities for the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation ...
The systematic undervaluing of women’s work remains a problem across the globe and has been worsened by recent global shocks. When health and care systems are overwhelmed, an additional burden of care ...
Alors que l'économie politique mondiale est durement mise à l'épreuve, les dirigeants mondiaux devraient avant tout ...
Ante la prueba crucial a la que se enfrenta la economía política global, los líderes mundiales deben dar prioridad ...
This year we will continue to work For Democracy That Delivers for working people: fair taxation, climate action for a Just Transition, fair trade rules, and peace and common security. We will also be ...
Support an ILO Convention & Recommendation on platform work at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in June . Strategies: Coordinated physical and digital national mobilisations, particularly in ...