Recent data reveal that most Americans love and cherish their First Amendment rights — and wish the same for others. How far the Democrats have fallen. Witness amazing grace in Sound of Hope ...
Rachel Sheffield is a research fellow in welfare and family policy at the Heritage Foundation. Housing-first is not the solution. It’s better to focus on underlying human needs so people can ...
Robert D. Atkinson is the president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. Workers of the world: Embrace AI automation. You have nothing to lose but your stagnant wages.
A s National Review ’s resident teenage knife-fighting expert, I was disappointed to read that the actor Idris Elba wants the British government to circumcise all of the privately owned knives in the ...
The new Secretary of Transportation, Sean Duffy, was asked this morning whether air travel in the United States is safe. He said: “Can I guarantee the American flying public that the U.S. has the most ...
First, Trump could push through measures to keep accreditors for insisting on various “diversity” policies if colleges want to keep in their good graces. Last year, such a bill passed the House, and ...
The president is also considering hefty new tariffs on the European Union and on specific goods, such as oil and gas, at a later date. An innovator in the health-sharing space shows how to rein in ...
Ian Smith is an attorney in Washington, D.C., and a contributing blogger with immigration enforcement advocate, the Immigration Reform Law Institute. The Obama administration’s deferred-action ...
President Trump’s early moves display the right impulse and plenty of gumption while leaving many questions about how they will actually work. When draining the swamp, bring a map and flashlight.