An official in The Villages said he recently had a heartbreaking conversation with a resident who is struggling to keep up with the cost of living in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.
Steven Falk was known as a fun person who loved his family and was always looking for his next adventure. He loved spending time on his motorcycle, bicycling, boating, country line dancing, and ...
This beautiful little tufted titmouse seemed overjoyed to see the afternoon sun on an otherwise chilly day in the Village of Richmond. Thanks to Julie Walfield for sharing!
In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of De La Vista North resident contends that those living in the northern section of The Villages deserve safety, too.
Vina Gilpin was a dedicated, lifelong agricultural worker and one of the longest standing members of the Sumter County Farmers Market. She loved her family, her farm and her cows.