While walking around, I am seeing little pieces of lichens on the ground and street. With the recent snow and rains, trees ...
Winter pruning of fruit trees: Pruning is best done from January through the end of March during dormancy. It is important that the weather is dry and the temperature is predicted to be well below 50 ...
Q: An arborist diagnosed my ‘Jane’ magnolia with magnolia scale last fall, and I was told to apply horticultural oil back in the fall and again in late winter or ...
As late February approaches, commercial orchard owners, home growers and researchers prepare for the inevitable task of pruning.
Frequency of fielding questions about home food preservation reported by Extension Master Gardeners (n = 1875) in Texas.
The late dormant season is the best time for most pruning. Avoid topping trees. Removing large branches leaves stubs that can cause several health problems. It also destroys the plant's natural shape ...
Gainesville, FL - A new study by the University of Florida explores the attitudes and behaviors of urban home gardeners through the lens of citizen ...
Gardeners are urged to perform an essential task on wisteria to maintain healthy growth and encourage blooming, with guidance ...
The annual practice of butchering trees is in full swing. Tree topping, the practice of cutting large branches back to stubs, compromises them structurally and aesthetically.
Because there are so few actively growing plants in Minnesota this time of year, the state’s greatest horticultural contribution ... in shrubs and up in tree branches leeching nutrients from ...
Anantapur: District Collector Dr Vinod Kumar has stated that the loan sanction targets allocated to bankers every three ...