NASA 3D prints antennas - controlling electromagnetic and mechanical properties - for space-to-Earth communication using a Fortify printer.
Jasmine Hyman is the assistant beauty editor at Cosmopolitan where she covers all the best beauty trends and products. She's obsessed with having a flawless manicure on her nails at all times. For ...
Local designers connected with Garment District vendors at CitySource 2025, a baton-passing production by the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT).
春节假期,一场视觉盛宴席卷而来——迎新春短视频创意大秀将在杭城多块地标性大屏上震撼呈现。 记者从杭州市综合行政执法局(市城市管理局)市容景观发展中心了解到,1月24日起,全市300多块户外大屏将陆续点亮新春祝福,向市民游客致以亲切的问候。 面积达3080平方米,位于上城区延安路与平海路交会处的“西湖天幕”LED大屏是这场新春视觉盛宴的主舞台之一,届时,可爱的蛇年贺岁裸眼3D视频将惊艳亮相。1月29 ...