"Due to actions taken by CBC, our company's reputation has been severely impacted, making it financially impossible for us to continue operations," wrote Ivan Atanasov, CEO of Ontario-based AGM ...
This is a fairly simple undertaking, as an MG42, a light machine gun, can be found on a table in the building where Eloi Coste resides. Specifically, that table is in the bottom-right corner of ...
前段时间就有一名乌军展示自己正在使用的一挺意大利仿制的德国MG3通用机枪,其前身正是二战中赫赫有名的“撕布机”MG42通用机枪,俄军怎么也想不到,对面乌军的爷爷和自己爷爷可能都挨过MG42的毒打,如今八十年后乌军端起了这挺老爷枪打自己! 东线再 ...
Member Clubs, Commissions, HODs, Affiliates, Circuits, Invited Guests, and Board Members information page. Click here for Licence Holders information page. MotorSport New Zealand advises all Member ...