That means many of them have custom and anemic power supplies. We aren’t sure if [bm_00] needed a regular power supply to handle a graphics card or if the original power supply died, but either ...
根据测试,RTX 5090可以在10-20毫秒内的时间里最高达到627.6W,5-10毫秒的话能达到738.2W,1-5毫秒能高达823.6W, 而在不到1毫秒的几乎瞬间,最高达到了恐怖的901.1W!
ASRock has introduced a new line of power supplies that are designed to meet different computing needs. In the Challenger series, there are three models available.
德商德静界旗下的必酷(be quiet!)品牌于近期宣布了其Power Zone 2系列电源的全新回归。这款系列电源时隔12年再次进入市场,不仅兼具高效能和美观设计,更在技术规格上做出了全面升级,适应最新的ATX 3.1和PCIe 5.1规范。Power Zone 2系列将于2月11日正式发售,起售价149.9美元,预计会对消费者产生广泛的吸引力,特别是对追求高性能的游戏玩家和专业用户而言。
It’s all wrapped up in a neat slant-sided 3D-printed case that fits onto the ATX power supply itself. The result is a neat and tidy power supply built out of readily-available components.
德商德静界近期宣布了一项令人期待的产品更新,其be quiet!(必酷)品牌下的Power Zone 2系列电源在阔别市场12年后终于迎来了全新升级。据悉,该系列电源将于2月11日正式发售,起售价为149.9美元,折合人民币约1089元。
主板本体,M-ATX规格(243.84*243.84mm),所以即便搭载了790芯片组并具备了超强的超频性能,在售价方面依旧可以相当亲民。6层服务器级黑色PCB ...
Thanks to its Micro-ATX design, the case supports large 164mm high CPU air tower coolers or, optionally, up to 280mm AIO liquid coolers. The only exception is that the power supply must be ...