编者按:本文作者“开着F-5E的大鹏”,为业余抗战中美混合团战史和现代台湾空军研究者,曾在《兵器》杂志上发表《台湾空军F-104战斗机简史》,之前亦在本号发表过多篇台湾地区空军主题文章,屡受好评,可点击以下链接回顾阅读:彩绘中的战争特别篇-台湾空军第46假想敌中队简史彩绘中的战争 ...
Tactical Adventures, which is a substantially smaller studio responsible for a game it's probably sick of seeing called "the other D&D 5E CRPG", has less freedom to subvert expectations.
The DnD Fighter 5e class is a classic part of any adventuring party, a master of martial weaponry who can tank hits and trade blows with enemies in the front line. This guide includes the complete ...
The DnD Barbarian 5e class is a dedicated front-line melee fighter who uses supernatural rage to power their special abilities. Simple yet effective to play, a Dungeons and Dragons Barbarian is always ...
A man has supersized his childhood hobby of making model Airfix kits by buying a full size Spitfire - that he keeps in his back garden. Aviation worker Ian Fox, 55, bought the fibreglass replica ...
A test pilot who made the jump from the now fifty-year-old F-16 to the new F-35 stealth fighter told Business Insider that it is a wildly different experience. Think about the informational ...