Sadly, that’s not the case. Instead, the Echo Show 15 once again serves the dual purpose of being an entertainment and smart-home hub, this time made complete with built-in Fire TV at launch, widgets, ...
据亚马逊介绍,Alexa Plus不仅能够通过简单的语音指令控制智能家居设备或获取即时信息,更引入了多项全新功能,极大地扩展了其服务能力。用户现在可以让Alexa Plus帮忙订购杂货、向朋友发送活动邀请等,真正实现了语音助手的全方位服务。
Some Echo devices have a feature that allows you to block voice recordings from being sent to the cloud, but Amazon is ...
All Echo Show smart displays can be used as a digital photo frame when you aren’t using them. The feature is well-suited to ...
近日,据国际媒体报道,亚马逊终于揭开了其备受瞩目的Alexa生成式AI新版本——Alexa Plus的神秘面纱。这一创新之举有望极大简化用户通过智能音箱进行家居控制及信息获取的流程。 Alexa Plus引入了诸多革新功能,其中最引人注目的是其为用户执行多样化任务的能力。用户只需简单指令,Alexa ...
Having a hard time keeping track of all the announcements Amazon made at its Alexa event? Here's the biggest news about Alexa Plus you might have missed.
亚马逊(, Inc.)周三(2月26日)宣布推出名为“Alexa+”的次世代Alexa:一款由生成式人工智能(generative AI)驱动的全新个人AI助理。 亚马逊设备与服务部资深副总裁Panos Panay周三撰文指出,Alexa最先进架构的基础是Amazon Bedrock上提供的大型语言模型(LLM),但这只是个开始。
The biggest surprise at Amazon’s press conference last week was the lack of hardware announcements. Traditionally, Amazon ...