For centuries, the Amazon rainforest was thought to be a vast, untouched wilderness, inhabited only by scattered ...
The Amazon rainforest, known as “the lungs of the Earth,” faces continuous threats from deforestation. The Amazon’s unique biodiversity, extensive carbon storage capabilities, and significant role in ...
Scientists have just uncovered the oldest fossilized rainforest ever found in the U.S., offering an unprecedented look into prehistoric ecosystems. This incredible discovery could reshape our ...
Thousands of residents are at risk of losing their homes in the Amazon rainforest due to terrifying sinkholes. The city of Buriticupu, in the northeastern tip of the Brazilian Amazon ...
When we think of the Amazon, most of us imagine a vast, dripping jungle where an explosion of plants, vines, and trees rise up out of rich, fertile earth. But the Amazon harbors more than a few ...
With that said, join us as we journey into the heart of these green landscapes and explore the ten largest forests on Earth. Located in South America, the Amazon is the world’s largest tropical ...
A new study has revealed that "hug of death" megaraptorids and previously unknown carcharodontosaurs shared Australia's unique Antarctic dinosaur ecosystem during the Cretaceous.
Manuel Quiroga Papua New Guinea’s rainforest covers 73 million hectares and includes various ecosystems such as tropical ...
From erotic ceramics to the recently discovered remains of child sacrifice ceremonies: when it comes to fascinating ancient ...