6 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNi9级处理器,组合硬盘,水泥电源......电脑整机的坑你踩过几个?很多萌新百思不得其姐: 为何我千辛万苦查低价加购的电脑配件,价格却比很多电商整机还贵好几百? 关键人家整机还是组装好、安好系统和驱动的,这也太假了吧? 然后当你在某夕夕或者某宝电商平台刷到“16核i9级电竞神机秒杀价1999!”的瞬间,血压是不是已经跟着飙升的离谱价格一起坐上了火箭? 先别急着清空购物车——这种“买U送整机”的骨折价背后,比的不是配置,而是商家的良心。 电子产品的定价铁律从未失效: ...
当你在电商平台刷到“16核i9级电竞神机秒杀价1999!”的瞬间,血压是不是已经跟着飙升的离谱价格一起坐上了火箭?先别急着清空购物车——这种“买U送整机”的骨折价背后,藏着的可是奸商们祖传的千层千层又千层的韭菜陷阱。电子产品的定价铁律从未失效:当“天 ...
Many Windows users experience a bizarre and highly menacing problem where a specific process named svchost.exe (netsvcs) starts requisitioning and using more and more RAM after the affected computer ...
华硕ASUS海景房14代i5 14400F/RTX4060Ti游戏台式电脑主机,采用高性能Intel 14代i5 14400F处理器与强劲的RTX4060Ti显卡组合,无论是大型游戏还是专业设计都能轻松应对,性能表现出色。这款DIY组装机拥有稳定高效的运行能力,为玩家带来流畅的游戏体验。目前在天猫超市 ...
How do you install a CPU? While your graphics card is undoubtedly the main driver when it comes to gaming, it’s also essential to upgrade your CPU now and then. With higher clock speeds ...
With an RTX 3060 Ti, you are looking at solid performance at 1080p. However, unlike higher resolutions like 1440p and 4K, where gaming performance heavily relies on the GPU, 1080p gaming is more ...
华硕ASUS这款搭载12代i5-12400F处理器的台式电脑主机,专为电竞、设计以及日常家用需求打造,性能强劲且稳定可靠,无论是畅爽吃鸡等大型游戏还是进行专业设计工作都能轻松应对,同时非常适合直播使用。原价7099元的高配独显整机,现在参与满减活动每满7089 ...
Even with the RX 9070 XT and 9070 drawing attention, it’s still a quality graphics card well worth you time. Selecting the perfect CPU to accompany the RX 7700 XT is essential to unlocking its full ...
This is especially true if a CPU features a dramatically lower TDP as a trade-off for utilizing a higher pool of L3 or 3D V-cache. That means there's no specific answer for every single processor ...
When you arrive at B85 Artisan Bakery, housed at the rear of an outdoor plaza of shops in Camden’s main street, head chef Kim Fulko Lim is often visible. Working in a small stretch of bench area ...
Fire up your rig with the best CPU for gaming. More cores, more clocks, more of everything that matters. The best gaming CPU is one of the most hotly contested titles in the industry, changing ...
When building a new desktop or choosing a laptop, it's reasonable to want to pick out the fastest CPU to give you the maximum possible performance. That said, you should choose your next processor ...