The Heart of the Dalkowskie Hills, a breathtaking 300-year-old beech, has won Poland the European Tree of the Year award for ...
Carstramon Wood in Dumfries and Galloway, described by The Times as a must-visit spot, boasts trees that are around 200 years ...
Trees affected by ash dieback disease are set to be felled over concerns they could fall on to public footpaths. Reading Borough Council said more than 100 trees at Clayfield Copse nature reserve near ...
Malton's Castle Garden has been given a spring clean - thanks to a small army of volunteers. Armed with barrows, rakes and shovels the group has given the attraction a boost in preparation for the new ...
While the sight of grey squirrels hopping about in gardens brings delight to many, what isn't as widely known is their status ...
A woodland conservation charity has shown that ancient woodland can successfully enter the timber construction supply chain and provide an income stream for local woodland owners.
"Grey squirrels can damage maize and fruit crops. They are a threat to orchards and market gardens. They destroy bulbs and corms, eat tree nuts, recently sown seeds and enter into roof voids, damaging ...
The National Botanic Garden of Wales is a great place for your bluebell fix. One of the top spots is Spring Woods, which ...
The following planning applications have been submitted to Mid Sussex District Council, Lewes District Council and the South ...
I HAVE not used my computer keyboard for months due to illness, sorrow and the inability to get out and explore with my ...
A conservation charity has successfully trialled using timber from responsibly, ecologically managed and ancient Dartmoor ...
A new community woodland has been created in Northallerton, led by FT Construction Group in partnership with White Rose Forest.