The Morehead City Council has adopted resolutions authorizing actions necessary for three upcoming fishing tournaments — ...
The tournament features over $1.7 million in prizes, including $400,000 for the heaviest billfish, a $125,000 gate prize, ...
Protesters took to the sky in Whitianga to protest the Billfish Classic competition. A group of people pooled money and rented an aeroplane, flying over the start line of the fishing competition, ...
A journey built on passion, tradition, and the people who made it possible The post Capt. Brad Philipps Reflects on Career ...
An angler in Australia discovered that fishing for marlin is extra challenging when sharks begin to circle below.
The latest fishing tournament to be held at Walker's Cay in the Bahamas was the inaugural Walker’s Cay Wahoo Classic ...
Spring offers the opportunity to catch a lot of different fish. Take this approach to target a variety of pelagics at once.
Lady anglers set new benchmark with 1,741 billfish releases The post The Pescadora Billfish Champion Continues to Grow ...
Ahead of spring, we reached out to stylists, a podiatrist and our own editors for their favorite comfortable shoes that keep feet looking and feeling fresh.
Jimmy Johnson’s ‘Quest for the Ring’ Championship Fishing Week. Key Largo. Hosted by Jimmy Johnson, two-time Super Bowl winning coach and former head coach at the University of ...
Known as the Vikings of the Pacific, Tonga’s remarkable residents belong to a land that marches to the beat of its own drum ...
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