Following Wednesday’s deadly shooting inside Antioch High School, questions have been raised over security measures taken inside Metro Nashville Public Schools.
An artificial intelligence-powered weapon detection system failed to pick up the handgun a 17-year-old Nashville, Tennessee, student used in a school shooting Wednesday that killed a 16-year-old girl, ...
With this in mind, we asked leaders about protecting against on-campus dangers, and we took a look at the physical security measures in place at some schools in Middle Tennessee.
Underwater drones are monitoring the river’s depths to ensure safety during religious dips, sending real-time alerts in case of accidents or drownings. For visitors from across India who may not speak ...
According to a new defense filing, “All original DVR footage from the relevant date had been destroyed, at best, due to improper preservation by the Commonwealth." ...
Arlington police released video of an armed robbery earlier this month that ended with police gunfire. A second suspect in the case has also been arrested, police said.
A set of 25 new license plate cameras are scheduled to go live in Arlington in coming weeks. The cameras, from the surveillance company Flock Safety, provide more information than the county's ...