To borrow and twist a line from Jane Austen, one of literature’s most famous spinsters: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman not in possession of a man must be in want of a ...
(Space Seed, Star Trek: The Original Series) Early 2270s (exact year unknown) - The refitted USS Enterprise (commanded once again by Admiral James T. Kirk) encounters V'Ger, a 20th-century space ...
Depending on which Star Trek series you grew up with, the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, USS Voyager, Defiant, or Discovery can be as familiar and comfortable as your own living room.
In recent years, the Cat Lady of Spitalfields has become a legendary figure in East End lore, acquiring an entire mythology of stories as time goes by. In my imagination, she is a mysterious feline ...
Despite being a Cat A car that's targeted at the mainstream buyer, Aion has given the V an impressive list of standard equipment that is more commonly found in more expensive premium offerings.
A former college soccer star has been charged with killing his younger brother and a pet cat inside a New Jersey apartment complex near the Princeton University campus, according to officials ...
Then, Star Trek V introduces Spock’s half-brother Sybok, the product of Sarek’s forbidden relationship with a princess, a guy whose embrace of emotion over logic gets him banished from Vulcan.