Also avoid using curling irons or straighteners and other styling tools, as well as too-hot water in the bath and shower. Shave your head or cut hair short before starting chemotherapy. Use wigs, ...
Chemotherapy for lung cancer is used for different purposes depending on the type and stage of cancer you have. This includes achieving cancer remission, shrinking a tumor before surgery, killing ...
Hair loss is a common side effect of chemo and radiation therapy. How you decide to manage it is a personal choice. You may choose to cover your head with a scarf, hat, or wig. If you decide to ...
Chemo is a lifesaving treatment, but it also causes side effects in all of the body’s systems. After receiving a cancer diagnosis, your first reaction may be to ask your doctor about ...
Oncology diagnostic and treatment. Chemotherapy Childhood cancer set. Oncology diagnostic and treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Courageous little fighter, kid wearing head scarf support.
These agents illustrate the therapeutic feasibility of an 'immunogenic chemotherapy'; that is, a programme of chemotherapy that aims at stimulating the antitumour immune response as a warranted ...