Chinese President Xi Jinping has highlighted the importance of food security, saying it was a “political responsibility” for ...
Hundreds of emergency workers are searching for survivors, officials say, in Jinping village, Sichuan province.
China has maintained its position as the world's largest trading nation in goods during the past eight years, the country's ...
中国新闻社简称中新社,是由中国新闻界和海内外知名人士于1952年9月14日在北京发起成立的,是中国内地仅有的两家通讯社之一。经过50多年的建设 ...
M5芯片采用了台积电最新的3nm工艺(N3P),相较于上一代M4芯片,在能效和性能上分别提升了5%至10%和约5%。此外,M5芯片还引入了台积电的垂直堆叠技术 (TSMC SoIC-MH)封装技术。
中国过境免签政策的持续升级,加上蛇年春节是申遗成功后的首个春节,“China Travel”掀起热潮。携程数据显示,今年春节假期,平台入境游订单同比增长超200%。业内预测,今年春节期间国际游客人数将创历史新高。
China's film industry set a new record during the 2025 Spring Festival holiday, as the box office for the period from January ...
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish sinologist Giray Fidan entitled How can th ...
格隆汇2月7日丨 IMAX CHINA (01970.HK)发布公告,董事会通告谨定于2025年2月19日(星期三)举行董事会会议,以考虑及通过公司及其附属公司截至2024年12月31日止的年度的全年业绩及全年业绩公告,及考虑派发末期股息的建议(如有 ...