CONSTANTINE'S CONVERSION One of the most surprising Christian heroes in the entire tradition, I think, is Constantine. He is, first of all, a successful general. He is also the son of a successful ...
Around six years later, back in Italy, Constantine converted from paganism to Christianity. His "epiphany" was said to have happened on the eve of battle with a competing Emperor, Maxentius.
Following his battlefield conversion, Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of Rome, and he decided that Christ's birth should become a major focus of the Christian year.
When evaluating how Christianity adopted this firm stance on monogamy, Lawrence suggests it can be traced back to Constantine ...
Michael Portillo investigates the legacy of the Roman Emperor Constantine - the man who transformed Christianity from a clandestine handful of followers of Jesus Christ into one of the world's ...
Constantine XI Palaiologos was the “last Christian Emperor of Constantinople and Byzantium,” according to the late English Byzantinist, Donald MacGillivray Nicol in his authoritative book ...
Constantine's adoption of Christianity allowed this small persecuted religion to sweep throughout Europe as the empire's power waned.