Written with the characteristic pessimism of the upper-middle-class “left,” the piece obfuscates the growing integration of ...
Vodafone challenges NRW's blocking orders for Pornhub and YouPorn in court. Pÿur and 1&1 join the legal battle against these ...
The NYC mayoral race is crowded with candidates Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Eric Adams, Scott Stringer, Brad Lander, and more of ...
The EU must adopt a balanced regulatory approach that encourages risk-taking in the tech sector, write Kent Conrad and Saxby ...
One year after the DSA’s entry into force, the time seems ripe for an existential question: should ODS under the DSA develop as an independent, informal, decentralised system of justice, or is it ...
DSA 401 Lifetime LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, has bid $6.7 million for Gershman Hall, a theater and educational ...
Global Phase 3 TRANSCEND study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of felzartamab, as compared to placebo, in adults with late AMRAMR is a ...
Dual Report Structure: The 2024 reports are divided into two parts: Legal Requests for Information: Covers government, law ...
Military veterans are among those being hit hardest by Trump’s austerity push, which threatens many of their jobs as well as ...
各大平台搜索:@极战术让外行人看更多“门道”!据“骨灰级”收藏家-马特(Matt)介绍,他已经玩了15年的收藏。目前其收藏的汽车、枪械和街机游戏加起来价值已经超过了100万美元。在之前,本站在前四期《老美富豪枪民的收藏库里都有些啥宝贝?》中就介绍了一些马特所持有的、新潮中带点冷门的爱枪。(点击上图或蓝字即可自 ...
Trump signed a memorandum warning that his administration would scrutinise the EU's Digital Markets Act and the DSA.
Seattle voters approved a ballot initiative to levy a tax on businesses to fund the construction of democratically governed ...