Preliminary findings of China's investigation into PVH Corp, a United States clothing company that owns brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, showed that the company engaged in "improper" ...
中国商务部星期四(1月16日)介绍对美国PVH集团启动不可靠实体清单调查时说,该集团存在不当涉疆行为。 中国商务部发言人当天在官网就不可靠实体清单有关措施答记者问时说,不可靠实体清单工作机制正依法有序推进针对美国PVH集团的调查工作。立案以来 ...
PVH Corp faces significant risks due to a Chinese investigation over alleged Xinjiang cotton boycotts, potentially impacting 16% of its profits and supply chains. The investigation is linked to U ...
What impact that will have on the company remains unclear, but investors were taking a cautious stance and sent shares of PVH down 6.9 percent to $92.20 on Thursday. Chinese officials have ...
问:2024年9月24日,中方宣布对美国PVH集团启动不可靠实体清单调查。请问目前调查进展如何? 答:不可靠实体清单工作机制正在依法有序推进针对美国PVH集团的调查工作。立案以来,多次听取了PVH集团陈述、申辩,审查了PVH集团提交的书面材料。初步查明 ...
An investigation has found that US company PVH Corp has engaged in improper practices related to China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday. The investigation, ...
中新社北京1月16日电 (记者 李晓喻)中国商务部新闻发言人16日称,初步查明美国PVH集团存在不当涉疆行为,中方计划于近期再次约谈PVH集团。 2024年9月24日,中方宣布对美国PVH集团启动不可靠实体清单调查。发言人称,不可靠实体清单工作机制正在依法有序推进 ...
中新社北京1月16日电 (记者 李晓喻)中国商务部新闻发言人16日称,初步查明美国PVH集团存在不当涉疆行为,中方计划于近期再次约谈PVH集团。
新华社北京1月16日电 商务部新闻发言人16日表示,不可靠实体清单工作机制正在依法有序推进针对美国PVH集团的调查工作。立案以来,多次听取了PVH ...
Preliminary findings of China's investigation into PVH Corp, a United States clothing company that owns brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, showed that the company engaged in "improper ...