According to a resident advisor, they are hoping this event helps those who would typically feel isolated, find resources and ...
Harvard researchers have found that M. morganii may contribute to depression by producing an inflammatory molecule.
You may laugh, and you may cry. But hopefully you'll feel a little less alone in your struggles after reading these ...
People with shorter telomeres, the protective caps at the end of chromosomes, inside their white blood cells may be more ...
Gut microbes influence anxiety by regulating brain activity, offering potential for probiotic-based mental health treatments.
New research has shown that diet could influence the risk of both depression and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Evidence suggests that depressive symptoms are both a risk factor for AD and a reaction to ...
As what we consume is inextricably linked with mental-emotional health, one nutrition expert offers pointers for keeping both ...
Study could help destigmatize illnesses like depression and anxiety, and lead to more treatment.
Blueprint leverages evidence-based strategies to help build resilience and cope with the stress of extreme weather events.
China: A recent study exploring the association between overactive bladder (OAB) and cognitive decline in elderly adults has ...
A bombing at her concert, the loss of a loved one, and making music -- there was a time when Ariana Grande was dealing with a ...
Medical doctors face higher rates of burnout and depression, and are twice as likely to die by suicide compared with the ...