在《Dota 2》这款充满魅力的游戏中,玩家不仅能够沉浸于紧张刺激的对战,还能通过多种个性化方式展现自我风采。其中,更改游戏昵称便成为彰显玩家个性、表达心情的重要途径。 想象一下,当你在《Dota ...
在电竞圈内,尤其是Dota 2的玩家群体中,最近的一次更新引发了广泛关注。这次更新即7.38改动日志,带来了颠覆性的变化,对游戏的机制、英雄属性、技能、道具以及地图设计进行了全方位的调整。这篇文章将详细解析7.38版本的主要改动内容,让玩家能够迅速掌握最新动态,从而在竞技中占据先机。
4 天on MSN
IT之家 2 月 19 日消息,《DOTA2》游戏今日上午迎来 7.38 版本游戏更新 —— 奔流不息。本次更新对地图进行重大修改,地图的丛林中增加了会提升移动速度的水路,肉山巢穴与痛苦魔方位置也进行了调整。
4 天
来自MSN《DOTA2》7.38大更新上线 地图大改、新增中立物品打造系统《DOTA2》迎来7.38版本游戏更新——奔流不息。本次更新对地图进行重大修改,地图的丛林中增加了会提升移动速度的水路,肉山巢穴与痛苦魔方位置也进行了调整;中立野怪焕然一新,全新的两栖生物会在比赛过程中进化;隆重推出中立物品打造系统,用以打造全新的中立道具;莲花、经验符的获取机制更新;大量英雄与道具平衡或大改;此外还有诸多交互与显示优化。 【地图重制:全新水道影响移速,肉山与痛苦魔方搬家】现在上路 ...
Mike Stubbs covers esports, competitive games and the creator economy. Valve has released the patch notes for Dota 2 update 7.34c and there are a lot of much-needed nerfs to the strongest heroes ...
After months of waiting and at least one false start, the Crownfall update for Dota 2 is almost here with its release window finally approaching. The patch is also expected to bring with it the ...
Valve has introduced a raft of changes in the just-released Wandering Waters update, reworking the objectives and overhauling the Dota 2 gameplay. Patch 7.38 has a revamped mobile Roshan ...
Dota 2 is one of the most dynamic MOBA titles out there, with thousands of builds available for a large roster of heroes. With each new patch, the meta shifts dramatically. Some heroes get nerfed ...
There are few heroes in Dota 2 that are as versatile as Magnus. Back in the early days, most people would either run the hero in the middle lane or as an Offlaner. However, in the current patch ...