In the uninfected condition, a Drosophila larva contains adult precursor tissues called the imaginal discs (such as those for the wings, eyes, legs, etc) inside its body. The fly larva undergoes ...
Larvae navigate and prefer older ... We find - with the power of Drosophila genetics - that at least the hardness of food is a crucial aspect of the overall gustatory profile.
Dr Ghali said that the disease, which is termed cysticercosis, is due to the presence of larval cysts of the tapeworm Taenia solium. The parasite infects humans through eating raw or undercooked ...
“This is a condition known as cysticercosis. Essentially, these are larval cysts of taenia solium — also known as the pork tapeworm.” He explained that the unnamed patient developed the ...
DURING spring and summer of this year, I made some experiments with the intention of throwing light on the physiological mechanism of diurnal activity rhythms. An account of some of the main ...
The Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction is a powerful model system to study these questions, where two glutamatergic motor neurons, the strong phasic-like Is and weak tonic-like Ib, co-innervate ...
The system works in both larvae and adults, providing a stringent, non-lethal, cost-effective, and convenient method for temporally controlling GAL4 activity in Drosophila. This work will be of ...
To identify potential mediators of neuron-substrate interactions important for dendrite morphogenesis, we undertook an expression pattern-based screen in Drosophila larvae, which revealed many ...
Tiny spotted-wing drosophila (here for several years) deposit their eggs in ripening soft fruit – strawberries, blueberries, cherries, plums, etc. The eggs emerge as wiggly, white larvae just as ...
Finally, we will review and discuss the ecological relevance of specific chemicals and chemoreceptors in the context of the particular requirements of two stages of Drosophila life cycle, the larva ...