The fastest way to get help with exam-related issues is to open a ticket with our Exam Team. Your question will be directed to the right person. You can also visit our Exam Help page to find out about ...
ATLANTA (AP) — A federal judge on Friday appointed a lead monitor with three decades of experience in corrections to oversee a consent decree meant to address dangerous and unhealthy jail ...
DeepSeek模型的横空出世掀起行业浪潮,多家公司迎来“破圈时刻”。一批上市公司宣布接入DeepSeek,加速自身AI应用产品升级;端侧AI迎来加速发展 ...
Most people need to take the citizenship test as part of the application. Find out how to prepare for the test and what to expect after you take it. Who has to take the test and go to the interview ...
You must also meet PMI’s eligibility: 36 months of experience leading projects within the last eight years (with a four-year degree). PMP® Exam Preparation is an in-depth, live, virtual course offered ...
Once you have determined you’re ready to take your exam, booking your exam with AU is a 2-step process. You must book your exam with your chosen AU-approved invigilator at least 10 days before the ...