Dung beetle larvae have sharp mouthparts. They use these to chomp through coarse droppings. The adults also slurp nutritious liquid from the leavings. Eating poo is known as coprophagy. It might sound ...
Deep in the Amazon jungle, researchers have discovered a dung beetle that doesn't live up to its name, a sign the insect has undergone speciation. A new study published today (Jan. 20) in Biology ...
“The beetles do make a difference,” says Hans Cornelissen at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Researchers already knew that, by killing trees, insect infestations in forests ...
Around sunrise, she carts several of the bodies out to a nearby forest. Fialho, affectionately called “the Girl of Dead Pigs” by some of her friends, then leaves the pigs in the forest so she can ...
“The muck that comes out of a cow, you get worms eating it, you get dung beetles eating it, you get birds reintroduced,” said Alastair Trickett, co-founder of Grassroots Farming, a group of ...