The Epic Games Store has a new free game for all EGS users on PC, and this time the free download is for a 2021 game that ...
In the end, convenience won out when it came to deciding to keep my Steam Deck instead of my gaming PC, and I've got ...
Internet bandwidths hit breakneck speeds, and keeping tabs on your games and all that went with them for co-op matches (like ...
Epic Games Store has nine extra free games right now that PC gamers don't know about, however, they are not free for everyone ...
The latest giveaway from the Epic Games Store is offering Frontier Developments' Jurassic World Evolution 2 to keep for PC gamers.
When it comes to the general consensus among reviewers, SteamOS seems to be the preferred option. This is because the OS is ...
A major drawback for online gaming on an Arm-based machine has been the lack of Easy Anti-Cheat support, which is necessary ...
Qualcomm shores up its gaming cred by landing Epic's Easy Anti-Cheat software, as well as the hit game Fortnite.
发行商Konami和开发商泥巴娱乐宣布,完全新作,心理恐怖游戏《寂静岭f》首发将登陆多平台:PC(Steam/Epic),PS5,Xbox Series和微软商城。发售日暂未公开。该作是《寂静岭》系列第八部正传作品,也是首个设定在日本的《寂静岭》游戏 ...
Epic Games announced Windows on Snapdragon support for the Epic Online Services Anti-Cheat also known as Easy Anti-Cheat. This will make Fortnite playable on Copilot+ PCs.