It shares the same Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32-C3 microcontroller, 0.49 inch OLED display, and tiny 40 mAh LiPo battery. The only thing that’s really changed, aside from the adjustments necessary ...
Remember the good old PDAs or Personal Digital Assistants that people used for taking notes, keeping schedules, keeping a tab ...
文件上传 📤:将,badapple.ebm,以及lib文件夹上传至ESP32。 屏幕连接 🖥️:确保0.96寸OLED屏幕已正确连接至ESP32。如有需要,可以调整引脚定义以匹配实际连接。 运行程序 🚀:在Thonny中运行,然后坐下来享受《Bad Apple!!》带来的视觉盛宴吧! 本教程 ...
可对接esp32-cam的底板,TYPE-C接口,短接调帽进入esp32模块下载模式,拔掉调帽进入工作模式,可对接ssd1331oled显示屏,加群获取更多资料:1062031562. !注意:请使用浏览器自带下载,迅雷等下载软件可能无法下载到有效资源。 群聊设计,与管理员及时沟通 欢迎加入 ...
部分硬件原理图介绍: 显示屏、传感器电源开关控制原理图: VDD33 为 DCDC (直流电源转换器) VOUT 3.3V 端, 做为 ESP32、外设、Flash 电源; VDD33_PeriP 为显示屏、温湿度传感器、手势传感器电源. 三极管 Si2301 用做电源开关, 控制 VDD33_PeriP 端电压, 默认情况下三极管 GATE 端 ...
In short, the ESP32 needs to find the sensor ... The data is then converted to RPM and displayed on a small OLED display. [publidave] does an excellent job of describing what exactly he did ...
So I can definitely see the appeal of the simple PDA that Ashtf is developing. It’s a pocket-sized device with an E Ink display, a thumb keyboard, and simple software that’s currently designed for ...
Who says you need a high skill-level to create cool ESP32 projects? Luke Marzen, a graduate computer science student, developed this open-source project. The weather display is powered by a Wi-Fi ...