One of competition’s greatest pastimes is debating who’s the greatest of all time. Many times, people look to their generations’ best players to determine who’s the GOAT. And other times, you just ...
Esports have evolved from a niche hobby to a global phenomenon, and 2025 is shaping up to be a monumental year for ...
最近一段时间,女主播蓉r因为长相酷似《CS:GO》的职业选手Donk而在玩家圈子中爆红。 而在今日,蓉r开通了B站账号,宣布入驻B站,同时她也发布视频称,将在今日晚进行直播,和玩家们一起观看天禄vs绿龙的比赛。 而在视频的评论区中,也是有不少知名的大神云集,绿龙官方账号也发布评论调侃称:“别别别来顶号啊。” 本文由游民星空制作发布,未经允许禁止转载。
CS legend GuardiaN announces his retirement after a storied career. Learn about his iconic moments with NAVI and FaZe, and ...
Ready for BLAST Open London 2025? Discover the tournament's dates, format, teams, innovations, and its impact on the CS:GO ...
虎扑03月05日讯 这位传奇的狙击手结束了他自2006年开始的职业生涯。 斯洛伐克传奇狙击手GuardiaN宣布退役,结束了他近20年的CS职业生涯。他向HLTV表示,他打算专注于直播事业。“做出这 ...
The best Counter Strike betting sites excel in offering extensive markets, competitive odds, and live betting options for one of the most iconic esports titles, Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO ...
在电竞行业,尤其是CS:GO领域,俱乐部的盈利模式一直是一个令人关注的话题 ... 通过对一些顶级团队的财务分析,如FaZe Clan及Astralis,可以看到,尽管他们在比赛中表现优异,盈利却并非易事。比如,FaZe在2023年便面临了约51万美元的收入和57万美元的支出 ...
Imagine spending years mastering all the grenades in CS:GO by utilizing its skyboxes, then having to learn them all over again in CS2 because there are no more skyboxes to speak of. No need to ...
Welcome to the TOP in-game leaders who have significantly impacted CS2 history. He is mostly known for his time in FaZe, where he is currently the in-game leader and keeps his team at the top level.
Counter-Strike player Blagoi ‘oxygeN’ Dimitrov has been accused of allegedly using “illegal ways to gain advantage,” following 500’s tournament victory against Partizan at CCT Season 2 ...